Our Corporate Philosophy is the foundation of who we are as a firm. It articulates our purpose, sets out our vision, and clarifies the unchanging values that underpin everything we do.
Our Code of Conduct represents our commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity and putting our core values into action.
With passion and courage, we continually innovate to meet the needs of our stakeholders
To build our values and 'Deliver Together', we promote diversity and collaboration across divisions and regions
Personal integrity is paramount to us. We act honestly, fairly and openly
The Code is the pillar that supports Nomura Group.
The Code of Conduct sets out guidelines for Nomura Group directors, officers and employees to translate the Nomura Group Corporate Philosophy into actions.
We reflect on our actions to ensure that they are in line with the Code. We promise clients and other stakeholders that we will uphold the highest standards of ethics and integrity under the Code.
We carry out all of our business activities based on the Code.