Business Information | Assets under Management

Assets under Management

  • Gross
  • Net

Net after deducting duplications from assets under management (gross) of Nomura Asset Management, Nomura Fiduciary Research & Consulting, Nomura Corporate Research and Asset Management, Nomura Private Equity Capital (untill end of Sep. 2016) and Wealth Square (since end of Dec, 2016).

Total assets under management of above companies. Historical AuM (gross) figures have been reclassified in line with a revised calculation method introduced at end of Dec, 2016. Nomura Asset Management took over the institutional investor advisory business and the retail related business of Nomura Funds Research and Technologies on July 1, 2015, and October 1, 2015, respectively, as well as all of the operations of Nomura Private Equity Capital on December 1, 2015. Figures from June 2018 do not include Nomura Fiduciary Research & Consulting. From June 2024, assets under management (gross) of Nomura Asset Management and Group company overlap assets decreased similarly due to the reorganization in the Americas made on April 1, 2024.

On April 1, 2021, Asset Management and Merchant Banking were dissolved and Investment Management newly established. Figures from June 2021 are total of assets under management (gross) of Nomura Asset Management, Nomura Corporate Research and Asset Management, and Wealth Square, as well as third party investments related to assets under management of asset management companies under Investment Management Division.

Assets under Management (Net) by Business

* Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Investment Trusts Business
Investment Advisory Business
Asset under Management (Net)

Trillions of yen

Net after deducting duplications from assets under management (gross) of Nomura Asset Management, Nomura Fiduciary Research & Consulting, Nomura Corporate Research and Asset Management, Nomura Private Equity Capital (untill end of Sep. 2016) and Wealth Square (since end of Dec, 2016). Figures from June 2018 do not include Nomura Fiduciary Research & Consulting.

On April 1, 2021, Asset Management and Merchant Banking were dissolved and Investment Management newly established. Figures from June 2021 are total of assets under management (gross) of Nomura Asset Management, Nomura Corporate Research and Asset Management, and Wealth Square, as well as third party investments related to assets under management of asset management companies under Investment Management Division.

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