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Nomura SPARX Investment Announces Investment in AnyMind Group

July 19, 2022

Nomura SPARX Investment

Tokyo, July 19, 2022 - Nomura SPARX Investment, Inc. (NSPI), a subsidiary of Nomura Holdings, Inc., today announced that an investment corporation managed by NSPI has acquired shares in AnyMind Group Inc. (AnyMind).

Established in Singapore in 2016, AnyMind is an end-to-end commerce enablement company with a business presence in 13 markets and 17 offices around the world.

AnyMind started in the marketing business mainly for Internet advertising and influencer marketing in Asian countries. The company subsequently expanded its business and currently provides two broad offerings to brands, businesses, publishers and influencers: Brand Commerce and Partner Growth. Brand Commerce provides businesses with platforms for manufacturing, e-commerce enablement, marketing and logistics, while Partner Growth provides web and mobile app publishers, influencers and content creators with platforms for monetization and optimization. Customers in Partner Growth can also leverage AnyMind’s offerings in Brand Commerce.

By accelerating the buildout of its businesses globally, expanding its capabilities through M&As and growing its revenue base, AnyMind aims to become the leading provider of next generation commerce infrastructure in Asia.

NSPI looks forward to AnyMind achieving medium-term growth both in Japan and globally, as the company allocates capital efficiently and provides solutions to meet the increasingly complex marketing and commerce needs of its clients.

Nomura SPARX Investment

Nomura SPARX Investment, Inc. (NSPI) is an asset management company jointly established in April 2021 by Nomura Holdings, Inc. and SPARX Group Co., Ltd. NSPI brings together Nomura Group’s deep expertise in IPOs and other services supporting the growth of unlisted companies, and SPARX Group’s solid track record in the asset management business, including its venture capital business that invests in unlisted company stock. By providing opportunities for investors in Japan to invest in unlisted company shares, NSPI aims to support the financing needs of start-up companies.

This material has been prepared by Nomura SPARX Investment, Inc. (the "NSPI") for the purpose of press release and is not disclosure material under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations or other applicable laws and regulations.

This material is not intended to solicit or recommend the purchase or sale of any specific securities, and nothing in this material is intended to suggest or guarantee future investment results or returns.

This material has been prepared based on information deemed reliable, but NSPI does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. The contents of this material is based on information prior to the preparation of this material and may not be relied upon in the future. The contents of this material are subject to change without prior notice.

NSPI's investment strategy and other asset management services provided by NSPI (the "NSPI Services") mainly invest in stocks and other securities. However, the principal amount invested in stocks and other securities is not guaranteed, and there is a risk that the value of the stocks and other securities invested in may fluctuate due to the bankruptcy of the issuing company or changes in its business performance or financial conditions, or due to changes in economic and social conditions inside or outside Japan, as well as changes in market conditions such as interest rate levels and quotations on financial instruments markets, and as a result, you may incur losses. In addition, risks associated with the NSPI Services are not limited to the above.

With respect to the NSPI Services, you may be required to pay prescribed fees, remuneration and expenses (the "Fee"). The Fee to be borne by you will be determined according to the content of services provided, so the amount and calculation method of such Fee cannot be stated in advance.

For details of risks and the Fee pertaining to individual NSPI Services, please refer to the contents of documents such as the prospectus and the product brochure delivered in connection with individual NSPI Services.

Please read the prospectus, product brochures and other documents delivered in relation to individual NSPI Services carefully before entering into an actual transaction, and make sure to do so based on your own judgment and responsibility.

Trade name: Nomura SPARX Investment, Inc.
Financial Instruments Business Operator, Director-General of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Kinsho) No.3274
Membership: The Investment Trusts Association, Japan

About This English News Release

The contents of this material are based on an English translation of a Japanese announcement made on July 19, 2022 by NSPI. Whilst every effort has been made to translate the Japanese document into English, the accuracy and correctness of this translation are not guaranteed, therefore please refer to the original Japanese document.

Please note that the information contained in this material is for reference purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities by NSPI to any person in Japan and does not constitute a distribution, an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities or provide any services in any jurisdiction in which such distribution or offer is not authorized.

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