Diversity and Inclusion AEJ

At Nomura, we value diversity within and for our people, our clients and our shareholders. Diversity is critical to our success and sustainability as a firm - in ensuring we attract, develop, engage and retain the very best people, regardless of their background, from the widest talent pools.
Nomura is committed to fostering an inclusive work environment, where our people are able to realize their full potential. Through our employee networks, we seek to:
- Remove internal barriers and bias which may hinder performance or progression of our people
- Drive teamwork, eliminate “group think” and encourage the open exchange of ideas and excellence
- Create a culture of accountability to ensure we embed a mindset of diversity in everything we do
- Promote a working environment that is free from discrimination or harassment.
Our people benefit from a range of comprehensive and inclusive programs and we promote equal opportunities regardless of gender, gender identity, race, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief, class, education, civil/marital status, pregnancy or disability.
Click here to view Nomura Holdings, Inc. and Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.’s Declaration on Diversity & Inclusion.
Employee Networks
Nomura offers a wide range of opportunities and initiatives to support diverse employees and foster an inclusive work environment. Our employee networks encourage engagement through connectivity and knowledge sharing, while raising awareness of and helping to drive key diversity and inclusion initiatives.
Women In Nomura Network
The WIN Network promotes a gender-inclusive culture and diverse workforce to support the firm's strategic growth. It aims to connect, recognize and develop women by:
- Connecting and collaborating across divisions and with our senior leaders and HR partners to achieve gender diversity
- Recognizing and sharing the success of female talent and role models internally and externally
- Attracting, developing and retaining female talent who will contribute to the firm’s continued success
Life & Families Network
The L&F Network aims to promote a work environment and culture which engenders positive-minded, productive and loyal employees by:
- Supporting and raising awareness around health, wellness, work-life balance, and family-oriented initiatives and issues
- Offering and sponsoring sports, fitness, and wellness activities and events
- Providing networking opportunities for members from different departments and divisions
Pride Network
The Pride Network supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other professionals to perform to their utmost potential. It aims to foster an inclusive and safe environment where all employees and clients can be themselves and are valued based on their contributions, irrespective of their actual or perceived sexuality and their gender identity or expression. The Network helps to:
- Drive policy review and development
- Raise awareness of LGBT+ issues and LGBT+ inclusion through effective and impactful initiatives and events
- Provide visibility for Nomura and its LGBT+ inclusion initiatives through meaningful partnerships, brand recognition and sponsorship of events
- Create opportunities for LGBT+ allies and ambassadors to take a more active and visible role
Benefits and Practices
Flexible Working
In AEJ, we are committed to supporting our employees in achieving positive work-life integration. We offer flexible options, such as home working, part-time working and job sharing, where the role makes it possible.

Parental Transitions Program
Our Parental Transitions Program, provided by an external professional coaching company, supports new parents during each stage of their transition - while expecting a child, and returning to the workplace after giving birth or welcoming a child into the family. The Program also provides advice and training to managers to ensure a smooth and supportive transition for individuals and the wider team. Parents and managers are equipped with a toolkit to support them on their journey. Our Maternity Mentors are available for ongoing and/or ad hoc guidance.

Development and Learning
We offer unconscious bias and inclusive leadership training, and mentoring initiatives to improve gender balance at every career stage and across functions. We also offer trainings to understand different personality types and working styles, and generate inclusive and collaborative teams.

Employee Assistance Program
Our Employee Assistance Program helps our people cope with personal or professional challenges, and supports mental wellbeing. We have partnered with an independent professional consultancy to offer confidential advice to employees and their family free-of-charge.

Partnerships and Memberships
Our range of partnerships reflects our commitment in working together to build a diverse and inclusive workplace. Through collaboration with these organizations, we gain access to best practice, support and guidance that helps our initiatives and employees to flourish.