Corporate Governance | Basic Policy for Strategic Shareholdings

Over the past 20 years, Nomura Group has consistently reduced its investments in strategic shareholdings that are not used for pure investment purposes. As of the end of March 2024, we held 195 companies' stocks. Total amount recorded on the balance sheet was 91.7 billion yen (total market value of holdings) representing only 2.6% of our Tier1 capital.

Image: Changes in Number of Strategic Shareholdings and Market Value (Annual Securities Report disclosure based)

In principle, the Company's policy is to proceed with the sale of strategic shareholdings, and we have ongoing discussions concerning the value of strategic shareholdings. Regarding strategic shareholdings, we balance the risks and costs involved in holding such shares with potential benefits into business strategy, such as additional opportunities to increase the revenues of our businesses through expansion of transactions, or business alliances with partners whose shares are held, and we shall hold such shares only if such shareholdings will contribute to maintaining or enhancing the corporate value of the Nomura Group.

These topics are discussed by the Investment Securities Committee established by the Board of Directors, and the Board of Directors verifies the content of the discussion. As a result, we will proceed with the sale of such shareholdings, where it has been determined to be reasonable upon consideration of the impact on the market and other circumstances. We will continue to sell such shareholdings with a target of reducing the names of strategic shareholdings held (including unlisted names) by 25% in the five years from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2027.

Process for Reviewing the Value of Strategic Shareholdings

Quantitative Analysis Regularly Held for All Strategic Shareholdings

Quantitative analysis verifies whether the return on required capital (revenues and dividends etc. from transactions with companies that issue strategic shareholdings) exceeds the required level. If it meets the required level, we will consider continuous holding of our position, and if not, we will conduct further qualitative analysis.

Confirm Medium- to Long-term Revenue Projections for Qualitative Analysis

Qualitative analysis considers whether to continue to hold or sell based on medium to long term revenue projections, holding objectives and periods, relationships with issuers and regional economies, and other strategic factors.

Image: Process for Reviewing the Value of Strategic Shareholdings