Nomura Financial Products & Services, Inc.

Company Outline

President Eiji Otsu
Address Urbannet Otemachi Building 18F, 2-2-2 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8130, Japan
Telephone 81 (0)3-6746-7222
Capital 176,775 million yen

Nomura Financial Products & Services, Inc. ("NFPS") was established in Japan on June 8, 2011, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Nomura Holdings, Inc. NFPS was registered as a Financial Instruments Business Operator in Japan on October 10, 2012. NFPS has been making progress to consolidate and manage the derivatives and securities positions and risk of Nomura Group entities outside Japan. In accordance with the Fundamental Management Policy of Nomura Holdings, Inc., NFPS aims to contribute to achieving Nomura Group's management target while ensuring soundness and appropriateness of business operations.