To Our Shareholders | Stocks Acquisition Rights

as of March 31, 2024

* Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Name of Stock
Acquisition Rights
Allotment Date Number of Stock
Acquisition Rights
Number of Shares
Under Stock
Acquisition Rights
Period for the
Exercise of Stock
Acquisition Rights
Exercise Price per
Share Under Stock
Acquisition Rights (yen)
Stock Acquisition Rights No.71 June 7, 2016 1,853 185,300 From Apr. 20, 2019
to Apr. 19, 2024
Stock Acquisition Rights No.76 June 9, 2017 1,519 151,900 From Apr. 20, 2019
to Apr. 19, 2024
Stock Acquisition Rights No.77 June 9, 2017 5,536 553,600 From Apr. 20, 2020
to Apr. 19, 2025
Stock Acquisition Rights No.78 June 9, 2017 1,428 142,800 From Apr. 20, 2021
to Apr. 19, 2026
Stock Acquisition Rights No.79 June 9, 2017 1,777 177,700 From Apr. 20, 2022
to Apr. 19, 2027
Stock Acquisition Rights No.80 June 9, 2017 470 47,000 From Apr. 20, 2023
to Apr. 19, 2028
Stock Acquisition Rights No.81 June 9, 2017 1,321 132,100 From Apr. 20, 2024
to Apr. 19, 2029
Stock Acquisition Rights No.84 Nov. 17, 2017 18,052 1,805,200 From Nov. 17, 2019
to Nov. 16, 2024
Stock Acquisition Rights No.85 Nov. 20, 2018 17,282 1,728,200 From Nov. 20, 2020
to Nov. 19, 2025


  1. Stock acquisition rights are issued in conjunction with the Company's equity-based compensation plan and no payment is required in exchange for stock acquisition rights.
  2. Any transfer of stock acquisition rights is subject to approval by the Board of Directors of the Company.
  3. No stock acquisition rights shall be exercised partially. Grantees who lose their positions as executives or employees due to resignation or other similar reasons before the commencement of the exercise period will, in principle, forfeit their stock acquisition rights.
  4. Number of stock acquisition rights and number of shares under stock acquisition rights are as of the end of the fiscal year.
  5. Stock Acquisition Rights No.1 to No.70, No.72 to No.75, No.82 and No.83 were all extinguished by exercise, forfeiture, or expiration of exercise period.
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