To Our Shareholders | Share Data

Issued Shares

Common Stock: 3,163,562,601 shares (as of June 1, 2023)
Trading unit: 100 shares


The common shares of Nomura Holdings, Inc. are listed on the Tokyo, Nagoya and the Singapore stock exchange. The shares are also listed on the NYSE in the form of American Depositary Shares (ADSs*) evidenced by American Depositary Receipts (ADRs). Each ADS represents one share of Common Stock.

The shares are also traded on the NYSE in the form of American Depositary Shares (ADSs) evidenced by American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), since December 17, 2001. Each ADS represents one share of Common Stock.

Number of Shareholders (of Which Unit Share Holders)

328,765 (301,241)

Component Ratio of Shareholders (Unit Share Base)

* Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

  Financial Institutions Other Legal Entities Foreign Legal Entities Individuals and Others
(including Treasury Stock)
Mar. 2005 28.60% 8.88% 37.90% 24.61%
Mar. 2006 25.53% 8.09% 43.66% 22.73%
Mar. 2007 26.66% 7.28% 44.06% 22.00%
Mar. 2008 28.50% 7.25% 39.75% 24.50%
Mar. 2009 29.07% 7.40% 33.34% 30.18%
Mar. 2010 25.06% 5.39% 44.16% 25.38%
Mar. 2011 24.70% 5.73% 37.08% 32.49%
Mar. 2012 24.24% 5.61% 31.68% 38.46%
Mar. 2013 23.60% 5.39% 33.15% 37.85%
Mar. 2014 24.47% 4.44% 35.56% 35.53%
Mar. 2015 23.97% 4.23% 35.34% 36.45%
Mar. 2016 22.99% 3.93% 39.70% 33.39%
Mar. 2017 25.92% 3.70% 37.11% 33.27%
Mar. 2018 26.17% 3.76% 36.08% 33.98%
Mar. 2019 27.55% 4.05% 34.15% 34.26%
Mar. 2020 25.58% 4.17% 29.64% 40.60%
Mar. 2021 29.25% 4.44% 33.44% 32.87%
Mar. 2022 27.67% 4.34% 31.93% 36.05%
Mar. 2023 30.02% 3.76% 29.78% 36.44%
Mar. 2024 28.88% 3.22% 36.39% 31.51%

Ten Major Shareholders

* Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Name Shares Held
(Thousand Shares)
Percentage to Issued Shares (%)
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 490,840 15.52%
Custody Bank of Japan (Trust Account) 167,148 5.28%
State Street Bank West Client-Treaty 505234 60,703 1.92%
The Bank of New York Mellon as Depositary Bank for DR Holders 53,059 1.68%
JP Morgan Chase Bank 385781 45,147 1.43%
State Street Bank and Trust Company 505001 37,743 1.19%
SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. 37,680 1.19%
SSBTC Client Omnibus Account 36,060 1.14%
Northern Trust Co. (AVFC) Re Silchester International Investors International Value Equity Trust 33,024 1.04%
Nomura Group Employee Stock Ownership Union Organization 29,984 0.95%

The Company has 192,432 thousand shares of treasury stock as of March 31, 2024 which is not included in the major shareholders list above.

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