To Our Shareholders | Analyst Coverage

The analysts listed below currently cover Nomura Holdings. Please note that all of their opinions, ratings or estimates regarding Nomura Holdings' performance, stock price or other information is their personal view and does not represent Nomura Holdings' or its management's view. Nomura Holdings does not either expressly or impliedly guarantee the accuracy of or concur with information, opinions or recommendations provided in their presentation.

Name Company
Koichi Niwa Citigroup Global Markets Japan Inc.
Kazuki Watanabe Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd.
Mia Nagasaka Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd.
Masao Muraki SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.
Tatsuo Majima Tokai Tokyo Research Center Co., Ltd.
Koki Sato JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd.
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