Reinforcing the Corporate Governance

The Company recognizes that enhancement of corporate governance is one of the top priorities for the Company to achieve its management visions “to enhance corporate value by deepening society’s trust in the firm and increasing the satisfaction of stakeholders, including that of shareholders and clients.” On this basis, the Company is committed to strengthening and to improving its governance framework which ensures effectiveness of management oversight and transparency in the Company’s management and at the same time pursues sustainable growth and expedited decision-making process within the Nomura Group.

The Company, recognizing the perspectives of various stakeholders beginning with shareholders and clients, established the “Nomura Holdings Corporate Governance Guidelines” for the purpose of setting forth an effective corporate governance framework as a structure for transparent/fair and timely/decisive decision-making, and contributing to the realization of that.

Nomura Holdings Corporate Governance Guidelines (PDF 342KB)

In addition, the Company has established the “Nomura Group Code of Conduct” (“the Code of Conduct”) as a code of conduct to be observed by each director, officer and employee of the Nomura Group. This is a guideline for Nomura Group directors, officers and employees to translate the Nomura Group Corporate Philosophy into actions. All of our business activities are carried out based on the Code of Conduct, and through thorough compliance with the Code of Conduct, we endeavor to fulfill the various responsibilities in relation to, not only shareholders, but to various stakeholders.

Nomura Group Code of Conduct (PDF 1,386KB)

The current status of compliance with the Corporate Governance Code is disclosed in the Corporate Governance Report.

Corporate Governance Report (PDF 1,244KB)

  2003 2022
Ratio of Outside Directors 36% 69%
Ratio of non-Japanese Directors 0% 31%
Ratio of female Directors 0% 23%

Adopted a Company with Committees, etc. structure (now known as a Company with Three Board Committees): 2003
Regularly held Outside Directors Meetings: 2015

Form of Corporate Governance of Japanese Companies

Image: Form of Corporate Governance of Japanese Companies

Source: Nomura, Japan Exchange Group "Corporate Governance Information Search" (As of August 18, 2023)

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