Our Stakeholders

Nomura Group values dialogue with stakeholders and actively engages stakeholders based on their individual interests. We provide value to all stakeholders by conducting business on a daily basis based on the group's corporate philosophy.

Society and Environment

Contribute to economic development and the realization of a sustainable society through our core business

  • By promoting the circulation of capital, we will contribute to the formation of a sound capital market and contribute to the advancement of society and build economic prosperity
  • By strengthening our sustainability-related business, we will contribute toward the creation of a sustainable society by increasing the sustainability efforts of society
  • We will also work to resolve social issues by improving financial literacy through financial and economic education, and reducing CO2 emissions

To ensure that we manage our suppliers appropriately, we have in place procurement regulations to guide our transactions with external vendors. In selecting suppliers, we confirm their suitability as transaction partners, and conduct prior screening based on prescribed procedures.

We have developed a set of Supplier CSR Guidelines, which outlines our CSR requirements when doing business with suppliers. These guidelines are consistent with the global standard embodied in the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Suppliers who provide products and services to the Nomura Group are expected to understand and share our philosophy on preventing corruption, child labor and respecting human rights as expressed in our CSR Supplier Guidelines, as well as adhere to the Nomura Group Code of Conduct. Suppliers are also required to sign our Supplier CSR Guidelines. In addition, Nomura reviews its procurement policy and relationship with suppliers periodically and makes improvements as necessary.

Our Approach to Donations
Donations to various groups and organizations are determined on the basis of their relative impact on accomplishing the Nomura Group's initiatives on material issues, such as contributing to sound and sustainable capital markets and the Group's social responsibility as well as to the development of a sustainable society. They are extended through a stringent screening process in accordance with internal regulations.

ESG Data (Community contribution expenditures)
Donations to political fundraising organizations are placed under appropriate control in compliance with the Political Funds Control Law and other relevant laws and regulations. Nomura Holdings made a political donation to "The People's Political Association" (FY2017: JPY 32million, FY2018: JPY 35million, FY2019: JPY 35million, FY2020: JPY 35million, FY2021: JPY 35million, FY2022: JPY 35million)

Shareholders and Investors

Maximize total shareholder returns through improving enterprise value and appropriate dividends and share buyback

  • Achieve a high level of ROE by expanding business with capital efficiency and by ensuring cost control
  • Through our sustainability-related focused businesses and engaging in activities that lead to the sustainable growth of society as a whole, we strive to earn the trust of society and continuously improve our company's brand value
  • While maintaining a sound financial base, we will balance investment in further growth opportunities with appropriate distribution of shareholder returns


Contribute to clients' prosperous future and creation of innovation

  • As a trusted partner to individuals, we will help build a better future for clients by advising on their entire balance sheet and supporting long-term asset building
  • Help corporate clients achieve sustainable growth and create innovation by providing advice on growth strategies and supporting financing
  • In addition, by strengthening initiatives in private market business, we will promote fund raising and investment, and contribute to the formation of a deeper capital market


Contribute to the development of employees' careers and the realization of a prosperous future

  • Provide a healthy work environment in which employee with diverse backgrounds and values can demonstrate their abilities and individuality to the fullest, and provide opportunities for skill development and training
  • Maintain and retain strong talent by thoroughly implementing appropriate performance evaluation and compensation, and improve employee satisfaction and motivation through aligned incentives. And through a career in Nomura, we will contribute to the self-fulfillment of employees and the realization of their prosperous future

Business Partners

Explore new areas in financial services

  • Accelerate the innovation that will open the future of finance through new technologies, going beyond the traditional framework of the financial industry, by forming alliances and collaborating with business partners with a high level of expertise in the digital technology field

Accelerate business expansion by combining the strengths of both companies

  • By combining the strengths of our business partners and Nomura, we will work together to build a long-term competitive advantage by rapidly approaching new clients segments and providing services
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