Respecting Human Rights

Fundamental Approach

Based on our purpose to aspire to create a better world by harnessing the power of financial markets, Nomura Group is working to realize a sustainable society through our business activities. We recognize that respect for human rights is an essential and important element in achieving a sustainable society, and based on advice from outside experts, we formulated the Nomura Group Human Rights Policy following a resolution by the Board of Directors. The policy will be reviewed on a regular basis, and human rights initiatives will be periodically discussed at the Sustainability Committee and other related committees, with reports being made to the Board of Directors.

The Nomura Group Code of Conduct also specifies respect for diversity and human rights as guidelines for the conduct of all executive officers and employees.

Nomura Group Code of Conduct

Nomura Group Sustainability Statement

Nomura Group Human Rights Policy (PDF 205KB)

Human Rights Governance

Human rights initiatives will be discussed by the Sustainability Committee and other committees on a regular basis and be reported to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will periodically review the need for revision based on the deliberations of the Sustainability Committee chaired by the Group CEO, and will revise the policy as necessary by a resolution of the Board of Directors.

We regularly review the Code to ensure that it aligns with society's norms. Since the establishment in 2019, the Code has been revised every year through resolutions by the Executive Management Board and the Board of Directors.

Nomura Group provides a structure to meet our corporate social responsibilities in respecting and preserving human rights. Based on the philosophy outlined in the Nomura Group Code of Conduct, Nomura Group Conduct Committee and its subcommittees deliberate on desirable conduct of the firm and our people, including human rights and harassment issues, and share with Nomura Group companies.

In Nomura Securities, the Human Rights Awareness Subcommittee is placed under the Nomura Securities Conduct Committee. Discussion and examination of items on how to raise human rights awareness and deepen understanding on human rights issues are made and reflected on concrete initiatives. Subcommittee deliberation reports to the Conduct Committee and Group company subcommittee are prescribed in the Committee Regulations thus the findings and challenges on human rights are widely shared among the group.

Detailed framework to promote human rights awareness (PDF 18KB)

Addressing Human Rights Issues

We recognize the importance of properly conducting human rights due diligence, identifying human rights issues, and working to improve them in order to contribute to realizing a sustainable society.

In accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we list human rights issues relevant to our business activities and strive to gain an understanding of human rights issues that we should address. We identify human rights risks, assess them regularly, and work to prevent and mitigate negative impacts.

The Nomura Group also shares the views expressed in this policy with our customers and business partners and expects them to make efforts to respect human rights. In the event that the negative impact on human rights through customers, business partners and other related parties is directly linked to Nomura Group's business activities, products or services, Nomura Group expects these business partners and others to respect international standards and strives to respond responsibly for ourselves.


Recognizing that Nomura Group's business activities may have a potential negative impact on human rights, Nomura Group strives to respect the human rights of its clients. We also expect that our clients, to whom loans and investments are made, will also take steps to respect human rights and prevent such a negative impact.

In the unlikely event that the products and services provided by Nomura Group in its business activities are directly linked to the negative impact on human rights, Nomura Group will respond appropriately in possible way and we also expect that customers will take appropriate action to rectify and resolve such violations.

Partnering with Our Clients


Nomura Group outsources various operations to suppliers. In order to fulfill our social responsibility, we request our suppliers to understand the purpose and act in accordance with the Nomura Group Code of Conduct. As such, we ask to confirm the Code by accessing the link below.

To ensure that we manage our suppliers appropriately, we have in place procurement regulations to guide our transactions with suppliers. In selecting suppliers, we confirm their suitability as transaction partners, and conduct prior screening based on prescribed procedures.

We have developed a set of Nomura Group Supplier Code of Conduct, which is a guideline for contributing to the development of a sustainable society together with our suppliers. These guidelines are consistent with the global standard embodied in the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Suppliers who provide products and services to the Nomura Group are expected to understand and share our philosophy on preventing corruption, child labor and respecting human rights as expressed in our For Suppliers, as well as adhere to the Nomura Group Code of Conduct.

For Suppliers


The Nomura Group is working to eliminate all forms of discrimination in hiring, employment, and skill development, and has made clear that we will not tolerate "discrimination based on nationality, race, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, belief, social status, or disability", nor harassment such as sexual harassment nor power harassment, or human rights violations such as forced labor or child labor. We ensure that all executives and employees comply with these standards. We also respect the freedom to establish association and the right to bargain collectivity.

We also provide consultation and reporting channels for human rights violations in the workplace and have a system in place to prevent such acts.

Grievance Mechanisms

Nomura Group provides a system to receive consultations and complaints regarding human rights. In case a any of our business activities is found to have caused or encouraged a negative impact on human rights, we will respond appropriately and work to remedy accordingly.

Through ongoing dialogue with our stakeholders, we will continue working to respond to the demands of society. We will also regularly disclose the initiatives implemented in light of the feedback received.


Nomura operates a toll-free number for client feedback and complaints to provide assistance for a broad range of issues.

Framework for Reflecting Client Feedback in Business


Nomura Group outsources various operations to external suppliers. We request our suppliers to understand the purpose and act in accordance with the Nomura Group Code of Conduct. Nomura Group established reporting form for non-compliance with Nomura Group Supplier Code of Conduct. Through this form, we expect to receive reports and respond fairly and transparently with a view to resolving reported cases promptly.


Reporting Form for non-compliance


In addition to our whistleblowing system, consultation desks are provided to help prevent all forms of harassment in the workplace.

Consultation Desks

Consultations can be made anonymously and are held strictly confidential. In addition, individuals will not be subject to adverse treatment based on their having contacted a consultation desk or cooperated with the confirmation of facts.

In the event that workplace harassment is discovered, each Group company will respond promptly, and if deemed necessary, will take strict responses, including disciplinary action and other corrective measures.

  • Internal Harassment Consultation Desk
  • Workplace Harassment External Consultation Desk
  • Consultation Desk for Work and Working Environment

Promoting Greater Awareness and Improving Our Workplace Environment

Nomura continues to hold human rights awareness training by title, to all executives and employees, for correct and greater awareness of human rights issues by each.

Training on Human Rights

Nomura provides training programs regularly for all executive officers and employees, including the Board of Directors.

  • Training for all Nomura Group executive officers and employees
  • Training for new hires and newly appointed managers
  • Training for compliance officers

Preventing Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual harassment, power harassment, harassment due to pregnancy, childbirth, child/family care leave, etc., are within the scope of the definition of workplace harassment. Workplace harassment is a socially inappropriate act that not only violates the victim's dignity as an employee but also hinders them from performing up to their full capabilities. We also deem workplace harassment to be a critical issue that undermines workplace order and performance.

Nomura Group strives to prevent workplace harassment and to create workplace environments where people respect one another, and where each individual can demonstrate their full abilities and play an active role.

Varieties of Efforts

We have established the "Guidelines on the Prevention of Workplace Harassment," provide internal and external consultation services, and also conduct training programs.

  • In addition to a variety of harassment prevention programs in conduct trainings for all executives and employees, thematic training programs on sexual harassment, social harassment, and other forms of harassment are also provided.
  • Conduct manager training programs to prevent harassment.
  • All Nomura Group employees can seek advice anonymously from professionals outside the firm through our Workplace Harassment External Consultation Desk.
  • In the event that harassment in the workplace is found, each Group company will respond promptly, and if deemed necessary, will take strict measures and appropriate disciplinary action.

Stakeholder Engagement

We strive to improve our efforts to address human rights issues and to promote respect for human rights through continuous communication with various stakeholders. We use feedback and other information received from stakeholders to revise the Nomura Group Sustainability Statement and Nomura Group Human Rights Policy, and to enhance information disclosure.

Efforts to Resolve Human Rights Issues through Multi-Stakeholder Dialogues

We have been a part of Global Compact Network Japan's Human Rights Due Diligence Working Group since 2016. At the working group, we discuss various themes related to human rights due diligence processes with experts and exchange information with other members.

We also participate in various discussions, training sessions and events held by industry groups and related to respect for human rights, as we proactively and continuously work on human rights issues.

Modern Slavery Act Statements

We publish our Modern Slavery Act Statement annually to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in our business or supply chain. This is in accordance with the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act. In addition, we have taken similar actions in Australia based on the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018.

Modern Slavery Act Statements

Nomura Report Download
Feedback to Sustainability