Growth x Exploration

We live in a global economy and that is our stage. At Nomura, we have teams of diverse backgrounds and skills that help you discover a new set of standards and values.

Voices from Nomura's Global Team

It is a tremendous asset to have wide ranging knowledge and different perspectives.

Brian Doyle
Wholesale IT Dept.

I joined Lehman Brothers in 2006 and then Nomura in 2008 as the Global HR Advisor for Technology, based in Tokyo. Currently, I work in the Wholesale Technology Division as the Global Head of IT Business Management.
Nomura has a diverse workforce. Just in Wholesale IT Japan alone we have staff from 26 countries, and globally that number is approximately 50. That is a lot of people with different cultural backgrounds, experience and expectations. I think people sometimes are surprised at those numbers, but it underscores the global nature of our company. It is a tremendous asset to have wide ranging knowledge and different perspectives and if we continue to leverage that in the right way, it should help us succeed further with our business goals.

Connecting with people in a way they understand is essential to success. Being able to communicate successfully across cultures and locations requires clarity and consistency of message, but also an awareness of how that message is received or understood.

The satisfaction of achieving a common goal with a global team.

Wataru Nishino
Rates Trading Dept.

I joined Nomura in 2006 and worked to develop and support our derivative models. I worked in London for two years in 2007. I returned to Japan in December of 2009, and have been working at the trading desk in Tokyo. In London, I met new colleagues due to the acquisition of Lehman Brothers and worked with members from various countries.

From that experience, I learned that the most important thing is that everyone in the team must understand that we are working under one company and working towards a common goal. I still communicate with my colleagues in London exchanging ideas and opinions. I believe communication is a key when our cultures and values are different, and such communication is done through both at work and during personal time, such as playing sports with them.

DEI Employee Network: Allies in Nomura Network (ALLIES)

ALLIES is an employee network focusing on the various aspects of diversity within our organization such as race, nationality, religion, age, sexual orientation and so on, and seeks to raise awareness and promote mutual understanding so we may leverage the strengths each individual brings to the firm. To facilitate such understanding by hosting networking events and seminars inviting specialists in these fields.