Diversity x Workplace

Collaboration among diverse individuals produces strength and flexibility. The Nomura Group values such uniqueness.

Diverse Members of Nomura

Everyone has something they are good at. As manager, it's my responsibility to inspire my team and create an environment where they can all excel.

Eijiro Kishimoto
Manager, Tsurumi Branch (as of April 2019)

My job as branch manager is to support the members of my team. I try to take each individual’s perspectives into consideration when I communicate with them. I think that by trying to put myself in their shoes, I can better understand their needs and goals, and gain insight into what drives them to do their best. Every month, I publish a booklet featuring an employee in my branch office to help employees learn more about each other and foster positive relationships between them.

The most important value that drives me is always striving to take "one more step." By taking one step forward in difficult times and going one step beyond what our clients expect to truly understand their needs, we are able to provide higher value-added services for our clients. I learned the importance of always pushing one step forward from my clients in my first year on the job, and this remains my most cherished asset.

We have many talented and highly skilled young employees. All I have to do is keep them motivated. I believe that is my responsibility as manager. Nothing makes me happier than when my team is recognized for their work. Their smiles and happiness are my greatest motivation.

Nothing starts if you give up. I always try to be positive and give it my best shot.

Kayoko Kegasawa
Jiyugaoka Branch

My work is to monitor the conversation between our sales representatives and clients to make sure that we are providing sufficient information to our clients' demands. It involves a lot of recorded data, and I must focus on making sure that I do not miss a single word. I had anxiety working with disability and having to balance work and taking care of my children. However, I learned of the many employees working with disability or child-rearing at Nomura, and I felt encouraged.

Whenever I encounter something I am not sure of, I always ask my co-workers and they help me figure out a solution. The most important thing is to ask for help, to your team members or your superiors, because they are always willing to help you. I aim to communicate more and more with my team members to absorb as much knowledge and skills as possible.

Our Initiatives

Nomura Offers a Wide Range of Employment Opportunities to Persons with Disabilities

Efforts are made to respond flexibly to find work suited to the individual skills and aptitudes of candidates and provide proper motivation by discussions with the persons in the workplaces where they will work. Employees with disabilities are contributing actively in a wide range of departments.

DEI Employee Network: Allies in Nomura Network (ALLIES)

ALLIES is an employee network focusing on the various aspects of diversity within our organization such as race, nationality, religion, age, sexual orientation and so on, and seeks to raise awareness and promote mutual understanding so we may leverage the strengths each individual brings to the firm. One of the key focuses is "Ally", with the goal of increasing a number of allies who understandand support individuals from diverse backgrounds.