Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Individuals from approximately 90 nationalities are currently employed at Nomura Group. Respecting diversity in human resource development is one of the most important issues and a diverse workforce is Nomura Group's greatest asset. When all employees respect each other's backgrounds and values and work harmoniously together, Nomura will be able to better satisfy broader customer needs and offer more value-added services. For each and every employee to be active and successful in utilizing her/his capabilities and personal strengths, Nomura Group provides equal opportunities and, under the Nomura Group Code of Conduct, forbids discrimination based on nationality, race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, social status, existence of or nonexistence of disability or any other attribution.

Nomura's Basic Policy on DEI

Nomura Holdings recognizes that reinforcing corporate governance is one of the most important issues in terms of achieving the management's goal of enhancing corporate value by deepening society's trust in the firm and increasing stakeholders' (shareholders and clients) satisfaction.

Nomura Holdings Corporate Governance Guidelines

(Established on November 11, 2015)

[Chapter 2. Section 2 Fulfillment of Corporate Social Responsibilities]

Article 22 (Nomura Group Corporate Philosophy and the Code of Conduct of Nomura Group)

  1. The Company shall contribute to the creation of a better world by establishing the "Nomura Group Corporate Philosophy" which articulates our purpose, sets out our vision, and clarifies the unchanging values that underpin everything we do.
  2. The Company, by establishing the "Nomura Group Code of Conduct" at the Meeting of the Board of Directors as a guidelines for each director, officer, and employee of the Nomura Group to comply with, shall endeavor to fulfill its responsibility to various stakeholders, including shareholders, clients, employees, business partners, creditors, and local communities.
  3. The Company shall endeavor to enhance corporate value in the long-term by respecting the diversity and different values among the directors, officers, and employees of the Nomura Group, and regardless of matters such as nationality, race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, social status, or existence or nonexistence of disability, by establishing a sound workplace to enable all directors, officers, and employees to perform at their full potential.

Nomura Holdings Corporate Governance

Organization Structure to Promote DEI in Nomura

DEI Committee

Nomura Holdings, Inc. and Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. established the Nomura Group Diversity and Inclusion Committee (Nomura Holdings) and the Diversity and Inclusion Committee (Nomura Securities) in April 2016, to hold firm-wide discussions with the management on promoting an inclusive work environment for all employees.

At the Nomura Group Diversity and Inclusion Committee held on July 8, 2016, committee members adopted the "Declaration on Diversity and Inclusion" with a strong will to create an inclusive work environment across the group where every individual is valued. Group Diversity and Inclusion Committee has continued to develop a workplace where all employees can actively demonstrate his/her capabilities, realize their full potential in a lively work environment.

Diversity & Inclusion Subcommittee Group deliberates matters regarding diversity, equity and inclusion more closely, reviews initiatives in detail and actual condition at each workplace. The members of the committee consist of Executive Officers/Senior Managing Directors and heads of group companies and global regions. They work together, exchange opinions with the Nomura Securities Employee Union, and share initiatives among group companies to create an inclusive environment across the group.

The Nomura Group Diversity and Inclusion Committee also adopted "Diversity and Inclusion Statement" on September, 2019 with a new slogan - "NEXT D&I." And on October, 2022, we updated this statement as "Group Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement". The updated DEI statement expresses Nomura’s commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace that offers fair and equitable opportunities to all employees.

Nomura Updates Group Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement (October 5, 2022)

Sustainability Committee holds its Working Group etc. and issues regarding promoting DEI throughout the group are deliberated based on business strategy perspective. The committee is chaired by Group CEO, consisting of members of the executive management board, and deliberation contents are reported to the board of senior managing directors as needed.

DEI Working Group deliberates matters regarding DEI more closely, reviews initiatives in detail and actual condition at each workplace. The members of the Working Group consist of Executive Officers/Senior Managing Directors and heads of group companies and global regions. They work together, exchange opinions with the Nomura Securities Employee Union, and share initiatives among group companies to create an inclusive environment across the group.

Organization Structure to Promote DEI in Nomura

Organization Structure to Promote DEI in Nomura
  • 1 Nomura Asset Management, The Nomura Trust and Banking, Nomura Business Services, Nomura Babcock & Brown, Nomura Properties
  • 2 L&F, ELF, and LIFE work on the themes of work-life management and well-being, Pride on LGBTQ+ awareness, LEAD, and EMBRACE on creating a comfortable workplace for diverse races and ethnic groups, AAN on understanding and supporting different Asian communities and cultures, and ALLIES on the themes of increasing allies for multi-culture, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ+.

Promoting Gender Balance

Nomura offers a wide range of opportunities to support diverse employees.

To support women's career development, Nomura provides a variety of training and mentoring programs to "continue", "develop", and "advance" careers in line with different stages of careers. These initiatives are designed to support employees and create a more balanced workforce. Nomura Securities has set a quantitative target to have 20% of female representatives in managers, 10% in branch/department managers by 2025.

Certifications on Promoting Gender Balance in the Workplace

In March 2017 and 2019, Nomura Holdings was selected as "Semi-Nadeshiko Brand" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Tokyo Stock Exchange, as a listed company that excels in women's empowerment in the work place.

"L-boshi" (pronounced 'el-Boshi')

"L-boshi" (pronounced 'el-Boshi'),
Certified on June 30, 2016 (NTB)

Nomura Trust and Banking has been certified by the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare for its excellence in promoting women in the workplace. This is a three-stage certification based on the number of criteria a company meets. NTB has fulfilled all 3 criteria, thus earning top level certification denoted by the logo with three stars.

"Leading companies in promoting female participation" by the City of Osaka

Certified on Dec. 1, 2015
and extended on Dec. 1, 2021 (NSC)

The City of Osaka certifies organizations that actively promote a work environment supportive for female employees. By making these organizations and their initiatives public, Osaka aims to encourage companies to further promote female participation in the workplace. Nomura Securities has been certified since 2015.

List of companies certified as "Leading companies in promoting female participation" by the City of Osaka (Nomura Securities, company #111, certified on December 1, 2015, recertified on December 1, 2021)(Only available in Japanese)

"Aichi Kagayaki Company for Women"

Certified in Nov., 2018
and extended in Nov., 2021 (NSC)

Aichi Prefecture certifies companies that actively implement initiatives to promote the active participation and career advancement of women. Nomura Securities has been certified as "Aichi Kagayaki Company for Women" in November 2018 and November 2021. In July 2021, Nomura Securities was also appointed as "Aichi Promotion Leader for Women."

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare accredits companies serving as role models in practicing "active initiatives to promote female employees to realize their full potential" (positive action) and "initiatives to support balancing work and family (parenting and family/elderly nursing care)." These companies are recognized as Companies promoting equal employment and work-life balance."

In October 2014, Nomura Securities was awarded the Tokyo Labor Bureau Chief Award (on "equal employment promotion").

Tokyo Labor Bureau Chief Award 2014 (Tokyo Labor Bureau website)(Only available in Japanese)

Next-Generation certification logo(known as: Kurumin)

Next-Generation certification logo
(known as: Kurumin)
(Revised on April 20, 2018, NSC)

Nomura Securities has been supporting work-life balance between work and parenting by encouraging male employees to take childcare leave, as well as offering maternity/childcare leaves and childcare hours beyond legal requirements. As a result of these initiatives, the firm has been certified under the "Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children" since 2007.

"Tomonin" logo from the MHLW (NSC)

"Tomonin" logo from the MHLW (NSC)

Nomura Securities has been granted official use of the "Tomonin" logo from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Work, for efforts in establishing a work environment that enables employees to pursue their career, while balancing work and long-term family nursing care.

D&I Award

Nomura Holdings received the Best Workplace award, the highest rank in the D&I Award 2023, for the third consecutive year. It was launched by Job Rainbow, Inc., and recognizes companies' DEI efforts.

Measures to Promote DEI at Nomura Securities

Principle for Developing Inclusive Environment

Photo: Principle for DEI

1. Principle for DEI

(1) All employees should understand that diverse human resources are the greatest asset and the source of competitiveness and innovation. We will develop a mindset to implement one of the values of Corporate Philosophy "Teamwork: To build our values and 'Deliver Together'" and improve our communication skills.

(2) Managers should understand their unconscious biases and will improve their mindset and skills in managing female employees, employees with time constraints, and employees with diverse backgrounds

Photo: Principle for promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement

2. Principle for promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement

Nomura Securities provides our female employees with development programs and working environment based on four principles (1) Improve engagement of female employees, (2) Support female employees in developing their leadership skills, (3) Enhance managers' diversity management skills, (4) Create a flexible working environment.

Implementing various training programs to ensure diversity

LGBTQ+ is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, while "+" represents other sexual minorities.

DEI / Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement (Training/Events)

Position Women Employees All Employees
Coaching program Training for New Branch Managers/
Department Heads
Training for mentors
Leadership training Training for new managers
Diversity management training
Mentoring, leadership training
External training
External networks
Trainee system
Introductory training for new graduates
and mid-career hires

Leadership Program for Women in Management

Nomura Group conducts "leadership training" for female managers and "coaching programs for female senior managers" in order to improve the abilities of female employees and build a network. The Coaching Program provides one-on-one advice from outside coaches on future careers and important decisions, as well as training and exchange of ideas among program participants to improve leadership and field skills.


The LGBTQ+ community is an important part of diversity at Nomura. We are committed to creating an environment where all our employees feel motivated and comfortable being themselves

United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business for Tackling Discrimination against LGBTI People

In April 2019, Nomura became the first financial services firm in Japan to sign the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business for tackling discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people (LGBTI). These Standards of Conduct were established by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to support the business community's efforts to eliminate discrimination against LGBTQ+ people.

United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business for Tackling Discrimination against LGBTI People

LGBT Equality Act Campaign in Japan


In July 2021, Nomura Holdings announced its support for the Business Support for LGBT Equality, joining in agreement with "EqualityActJapan," an international campaign advocating the enactment of legislation in Japan to protect people from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, and ensure equal treatment for all in the workplace and society.


Nomura Wins Rainbow and Gold Awards in PRIDE Index 2023 Nomura Wins Rainbow and Gold Awards in PRIDE Index 2023

Nomura received the highest gold award in the PRIDE Index 2023, an evaluation index in Japan for LGBTQ+ activities in the workplace. Nomura has won gold for eight consecutive years since the launch of the PRIDE Index in 2016. The firm also received the Rainbow award, which recognizes gold award recipient companies that implement collective impact initiatives.

DEI Employee Networks

Photo: DEI Employee Networks

Nomura's three autonomously operated employee networks provide a range of events with information that supports work-life management of female employees and promotes understanding of diverse cultures as well as LGBTQ+ issues. By organizing and holding events, the networks provide opportunities to interchange both internally and externally.

  • Women in Nomura (WIN) Network: raise awareness on women's career advancement
  • Life and Family Network (L&F): Health, childrearing, senior care
  • Allies in Nomura Network: Multi-culture, LGBTQ+, disability

DEI Employee Network at Nomura Group

DEI Employee Network at Nomura Group: Conceptual Diagram
DEI Employee Network at Nomura Group: Organizational Structure

Each receiving support from two directors, three networks are run voluntarily by employees facilitate planning and management of information dissemination and promotional events for Nomura employees in addition to proactively holding joint events with other companies. The networks are:

Photos: Planning and management of information dissemination and promotional events for Nomura employeesPhotos: Planning and management of information dissemination and promotional events for Nomura employees

Life & Family (L&F): Work-life Management Related to Health, Childcare, and Nursing Care
L&F, based on the concept of "Satisfaction in life leads to results in work," is intended to enhance both life and work and thereby ensure each employee's optimum productivity. It is part of cultivating an open, healthy working environment in which all Nomura employees can fully demonstrate their talents.

Activities: Opportunities to learn about health, balancing work with childcare and elderly nursing care are provided. For example, host seminars on latest cancer treatment and how to balance treatment with work, learn on dementia, participate in a charity run that donates to NPOs, male employees lunch session on raising children, movie screening on elderly nursing care, etc.

Allies in Nomura (ALLIES): Fosters Understanding of Cross-Cultural Working Environments, Disabilities, as well as LGBTQ+ and other Sexual Minorities.
The ALLIES Network supports the creation of an environment in which each employee can fully demonstrate their strengths. ALLIES focuses on various aspects of diversity, including nationality, race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, existence or nonexistence of disability and so on, and seeks to foster a workplace where a deeper mutual understanding and awareness of individuality exist.

Activities: Holds seminars about Multi-Culture, Disabilities and LGBTQ+ to listen to their experiences and to think about the issues that they face in the workplace. With the slogan "Let's be an Ally!" ALLIES promotes the awareness of Disabilities and LGBTQ+ issues by displaying images and posters in the cafeterias of the headquarters and branches. The Network also supports community events, such as our sponsorship of Tokyo Rainbow Pride.

Women in Nomura (WIN): Career Promotion for Women
Nomura believes that broadening career opportunities for women will provide new value for the company and its customers, and by extension for society in general. To this end, WIN promotes thinking and acting with regard to women's careers and toward our goal of "Creating Change."

Activities: Hosted speeches and seminars for career and skill enhancement, with female directors, entrepreneurs and experts as guest speakers. Conducted exchange events etc. with other financial institutions as well as non-financial corporations, to help build external networks. Internally, we shared information which serves as hints on how women can participate even more actively, by regularly hosting events with role model female employees as speakers, titled "Career Pathway".

External Networks

Nomura Group shares issues and ideas on best practices with external networks and those in charge of promoting diversity outside Nomura.

Co-sponsor of Tokyo Rainbow Pride, Rainbow Reel Tokyo, and DIVERSITY CAREER FORUM as a member of the LGBT Finance Forum, which works with financial companies to promote understanding of LGBTQ+.

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