Environmental Management
The Nomura Group is working to lower its overall environmental impact. We have established an environmental management system to drive comprehensive efforts in Japan, and our business offices across the globe are taking initiatives to manage their environmental footprints. We have expanded our disclosure globally, and report group environmental targets and achievements.
Environmental Policy
The Nomura Group Code of Conduct states, "We are aware of our responsibility towards society and actively and continuously engage in a wide range of activities to contribute to the society and protect the environment, such as reducing the environmental impact of our business activities."
We created our Environmental Policy as specific action guidelines for Nomura Group Sustainability Statement, which outlines the direction of the Group's sustainability-related activities and our response to environmental and social risks and, with the Environmental Activities Working Group as the core, we will actively address environmental issues.
Environmental Policy
This policy provides specific action guidelines for "5. Climate change" and "6. Natural Capital" set forth in the Nomura Group Sustainability Statement, which outlines the direction of the Group's sustainability-related activities and our response to environmental and social risks.
Based on this environmental policy, we will actively address environmental issues while always being aware of our responsibility to protect the environment.
1. Initiatives through Business Activities
We will support our clients' sustainability efforts through the provision of products and services by each Nomura Group company. We will make this an opportunity for our own growth, giving due consideration to the impact of our products and services on the environment, and responding appropriately when there is a possibility of a negative impact on the environment.
In addition, we will implement measures to enhance environmental risk management, including climate change.
- Climate change
To support the transition to a decarbonized society, we will promote the following initiatives through the business activities of each group company and through the provision of products and services to our clients.- We support our clients' efforts to decarbonize by providing M&A advisory services and consulting services and supporting sustainable finance.
- We recognize the potential for our products and services to impact climate change, and we will respond appropriately with due consideration to such impact.
- We will strive to properly manage risks related to climate change.
- Natural capital
We support businesses that conserve natural capital through the provision of products and services, and we take appropriate measures to ensure that the products and services provided by our group companies do not negatively impact biodiversity.
2. Initiatives at the Company
We will strive to reduce our own environmental impact, improve the environment and prevent pollution by setting appropriate targets for the following initiatives.
- Reducing environmental impact at our own offices
We recognize the environmental impact of resource consumption and waste generation from our business activities, and we will strive to reduce waste, conserve energy and resources, decarbonize, and implement green procurement. We will strive to preserve the environment and continuously improve our environmental management system to manage these efforts. - Improving the environment and preventing pollution
We will strive to verify the effects of our products and operations on the environment on a continuous basis and work to improve the environment and prevent pollution. - Fostering awareness within the company
Through training and other means, we will communicate this policy to all employees and foster environmental awareness internally. To promote environmental initiatives, we will create a framework that makes it easy for officers and employees to participate in environmental conservation activities, both within and outside the business.
3. Governance and Management Framework
- This policy will be reviewed as necessary after approval by the Chief Sustainability Officer in light of changes to business activities and the business environment.
- Environmental initiatives are regularly discussed by the Sustainability Committee and reported to the Board of Directors as necessary.
- In addition to complying with environmental laws and regulations, we will proactively disclose information about our environmental initiatives as appropriate.
4. Stakeholder Engagement
- By disclosing our environmental policy to the public and communicating with a wide range of stakeholders outside the company, we will strive to enhance our efforts to address environmental issues, as well as to raise awareness and promote environmental conservation activities.
- In our environmental efforts, we support the various international agreements and initiatives listed in our Sustainability Statement and promote harmonized efforts.
Environmental Management Structure
In Japan, we have established an environmental management system (EMS) and are implementing comprehensive environmental preservation activities to deal with environmental risks and issues. Our Environmental Activities Working Group, which is a Group-wide organization, meets once a month to monitor the progress of environmental preservation activities. Also, to make sure the plan, do, check, action (PDCA) management approach is functioning, internal environmental audits are conducted periodically. We carry out "checks of environmental initiatives" on a nationwide basis in Japan and work to increase the effectiveness of our EMS. In addition, the Chief Sustainability Officer conducts reviews of these activities, confirms and assesses progress toward reaching objectives, and aims for continuing improvements. Reports are made to the Sustainability Committee regarding risks and opportunities related to environmental issues. Our offices around the world are engaging in environmental initiatives. Our London headquarters building has maintained ISO 14001 certification since 2007 following an audit performed by a local accreditation body receiving recertification against 2015 standard in 2018. In addition, it obtained ISO 50001 certification, a new international standard for energy management in 2015.
Environmental Targets
GHG Emission Reduction Targets
Nomura Group GHG Emission Reduction Targets and Achievements (Global)
In FY2022 the Nomura Group achieved GHG emissions of 26,656 t-CO2 (Scope 2 emissions calculated with the market-based method based on the GHG Protocol) as a result of our commitments to promote energy savings and to expand renewable electricity for its own operation.
* Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.
FY2020/21 | FY2021/22 | FY2022/23 | 2030 Target | ||
GHG Emissions (Scope 1&2) |
Scope1 | 2,152 t-CO2 | 1,924 t-CO2 | 2,473 t-CO2 | Net Zero |
Scope2 (Market-based) | 39,324 t-CO2 | 31,710 t-CO2 | 24,183 t-CO2 |
Scope 2 emissions are calculated with the market-based method based on the GHG Protocol.
Market-based method is a method of calculating Scope 2 emissions reflecting companies' electricity contract. As the emission factor is based on the contractual terms, if a company purchases low-carbon electricity, such as from renewable energy sources, the effect can be reflected.
Since 2009, we have held annual sustainability training (formerly environmental training) for all Nomura Group employees in Japan, with the aim of raising awareness of sustainability including environmental issues. We also stream information over the Group intranet and host events to raise awareness of environmental matters.
In addition, our business sites in EMEA promote Nomura's environmental commitment through the onboarding program for new employees and make available an ESG awareness tool on the intranet for all stakeholders including Nomura's supply chain.
100% Renewable Electricity for Our Own Operation
The Nomura Group has been promoting and increasing the purchase of renewable electricity. Nomura previously announced its target to switch the electricity at offices to 100% renewable energy by 2030. In FY2022, the Group's renewable power ratio was 67.8%, achieving the interim target of more than 50%.
* Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.
FY2020/21 | FY2021/22 | FY2022/23 | Target | |
Percentage of Renewable Power (%) | 25.40% | 33.60% | 67.8% |
FY2022/23 Over 50% FY2025/26 Over 70% 2030 100% |
Nomura Group Environmental Objectives and Progress (Japan)
We set environmental goals for each year and closely manage the progress of our environmental preservation activities. Environmental goals are set for each region, and the Environmental Activities Working Group checks to see if these targets are met.
* Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.
Environmental goals | Performance/Status | Major activities | |
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions | Reduce Nomura Group’s domestic energy consumption*1 at least 20% compared to FY2020/21 by FY2030/31 | 0.5% reduction in FY2022/23 compared to FY2020/2021 |
Reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles leased by Nomura Securities versus FY2019/20 level | 46.7% reduction in FY2022/23 compared to FY2019/2020 |
Reduce the volume of waste at key offices versus the previous fiscal year | 8.2% YoY increase in FY2022/23 |
Effective use of resources | Have green products account for 90% of the total amount of copy paper used*2 | Green procurement rate of 96.8% in FY2022/23 |
Reduction of paper usage | Reduce use of copy paper (as measured by the annual volume purchased) compared to FY2019/20*3 | 45.3% reduction in FY2022/23 compared to FY2019/2020 |
Encourage electronic document delivery service*4 | 3.45 million accounts accepting electronic document delivery (FY2022/23) |
Contribution to the environment through Nomura's business activities | Increase the number of financial products and services that help resolve social issues |
1 Nomura Group's domestic energy consumption excludes data center energy consumption.
2 Green products account: Compiled from data in internal systems on copy paper purchased.
3 Use of copy papers: Compiled from the volume of copy paper used (annual volume) in the Nomura Group and purchased from specified suppliers.
4 Accounts accepting electronic document delivery: Compiled from the number of accounts registering e-mail statements service and the number of accounts registering online statements service.
Sustainable Supply Chain Initiatives
We are committed to fulfilling our social responsibility in all our activities. In keeping with this commitment, we require outsourcing providers to understand and comply with the Nomura Group Code of Conduct. We have also developed a set of Supplier CSR Guidelines, which outlines our CSR requirements when doing business with suppliers. Suppliers who provide products and services to the Nomura Group are required to sign these guidelines.