Toward Achieving Net Zero Emissions

Nomura Group is working to expand business opportunities as well as identify and appropriately manage risks associated with climate change in order to quickly realize a decarbonized society.

Fundamental Approach

Nomura recognizes that climate change is an important global issue. In September 2021, we announced our commitment to align our commercial activities with the objectives agreed in the Paris Agreement, aiming to limit global temperature increases to well below 2°C, and striving for 1.5°C, above pre-industrial levels. To support the transition towards a decarbonized economy, we also announced our commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for our own operations by 2030, and to transition attributable GHG emissions from our lending and investment portfolios to align with pathways achieving net zero by 2050.

Our Targets

1. Achieve Net Zero Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Own Operations by 2030

In addition to promoting energy savings, we will gradually increase the use of renewable energy, and switch to 100% renewable electricity by 2030 as we aim to achieve net zero emissions by 2030.

2. Achieve Net Zero GHG Emissions in Lending and Investment Portfolios by 2050

Nomura Group as a whole is committed to achieving net zero in its lending and investment portfolio by 2050.

Nomura Holdings intends to achieve net zero GHG emissions from its lending and investment portfolio by 2050 in line with the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA)*1 framework.

Nomura Asset Management (NAM) the core company within the Investment Management Division is a member of the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative (NZAM)*2, a global initiative of asset management companies, which also aims to achieve net-zero GHG emissions from its investment portfolio by 2050.

3. Sustainable Finance

We aim to deploy $125 billion in sustainable financing projects over the five years to March 2026 in order to help clients transition to a decarbonized society.

1 Net-Zero Banking Alliance
An initiative by banks to commit to net zero GHG emissions in their investment and lending portfolios by 2050.

2 Net Zero Asset Managers initiative
An initiative of asset management companies, which also aims to achieve net zero GHG emissions from its investment portfolio by 2050.

Net-Zero Transition Plan

To realize a sustainable society, we committed to work to achieve net zero GHG emissions from our own operations by 2030 and net zero GHG emissions from our lending and investment portfolios by 2050.

Overview of the Net-Zero Transition Plan

Overview of the Net-Zero Transition Plan

Scopes 1, 2, and 3 follow the classifications in the GHG Protocol. (

1: FY2022/23 Target: Over 50%; FY2025/26 Target: Over 70%; 2030 Target: 100%

2: A 55% SBT portfolio coverage ratio refers to 55% (by weight) of the portfolio companies in Nomura Asset Management’s investment portfolio having attained SBT approval.

3: FY2021/22 - FY2025/26 five year accumulated total

Sustainability Business

As a financial services group engaged in global securities and investment banking businesses, Nomura Group provides solutions to solve social issues from various angles.

Building a Sustainable World

Sustainable Finance

Our Own Operations

In order for Nomura itself to remain a sustainable entity as a financial services group that supports sustainability initiatives, Nomura is actively working to reduce its environmental impact, enhance its governance, and appropriately disclose information.

Environmental Management

Efforts to Address Climate Change

Net Zero in Financed Emissions (Scope 3 Category 15)

In February 2023, we set and announced an interim target for reducing GHG emissions from our lending and investment portfolio in line with the NZBA framework to achieve net-zero emissions in 2050.

Nomura Asset Management (NAM) has established a 2050 Net Zero Goal as well as a 2030 Interim Target. Under the 2050 Net Zero Goal, NAM will work to achieve net-zero GHG emissions both from its own business operations as well as for assets under management (investment portfolio). Under the 2030 Interim Target, NAM will work to ensure that by 2030 55% of investment portfolio assets are being approved by SBTi. NAM will verify and report on the track record with regard to these targets in accordance with the methodology recognized and endorsed by NZAM.

Response to TCFD Recommendations

Nomura Group supports the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Nomura organizes and discloses initiatives on climate change risks and opportunities in accordance with the four basic disclosure items recommended by TCFD: Governance; Strategy; Risk Management; and Metrics and Targets. Based on scenario analyses, we believe that the impact of climate change on Nomura’s finances will be limited and we consider helping clients’ transition to decarbonization through our business to be an opportunity for growth.

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