To Our Shareholders | Capital Management
Nomura Holdings Capital Management
1. Capital Management Policy
Nomura seeks to enhance shareholder value by capturing business opportunities as they develop. To achieve this goal, Nomura maintains sufficient capital to support its business.
Nomura reviews its sufficiency of capital as appropriate, taking into consideration economic risks inherent in its businesses, regulatory requirements, and maintenance of a sufficient debt rating for a global financial institution.
2. Shareholder Return Policy
Nomura will strive to pay dividends using a consolidated payout ratio of at least 40 percent of each semi-annual consolidated earnings as a key indicator. Dividend payments will be determined taking into account a comprehensive range of factors such as the tightening of Basel regulations and other changes to the regulatory environment as well as the company's consolidated financial performance.
Dividends will in principle be paid on a semi-annual basis with record dates of September 30 and March 31.
Nomura will aim for a total payout ratio, which includes dividends and share buybacks, of at least 50 percent.